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"Memento Mori"

What is the PRECIOUS thing you TREASURE most in your LIFE?

"Memento Mori" means:

Remember you are mortal...

Vita brevis breviter in brevi finietur,
Mors venit velociter quae neminem veretur,
Omnia mors perimit et nulli miseretur,

Ad mortem festinamus peccare desistamus.

Midnight of a Clown

Clutching into the mysteries
The frown’s dropped into the dark knees
“It’s not that Faust in fault!”

Screaming to the wind, like the roaring guillotine
The blood rushed into no face, my Lord,
like he has no wrath to fold
“It won’t fall! Fear not, think you’re all…God?”

And why would the smile just be on his?
Look at him closely, it doesn’t even fit
The silent gaze upon the fading moonlight
The preaching crowd, no, a wounding bond,
brought into eye of no justice
waiting in the end of line, the lost of right!

Listen not, my Lord, those blabbering mouth
but seems like thou ears are full of frauds

His laugh bears no joys, waits unknown
He’s the most whom suits to wear a crown!
“Why the long face then, o, friend of mine?
Just do what u’re told to, then it’ll all be fine!”

Thee hold no grudge, but,
Why the smiling?
The blade just rushed then to cut nothing…but sin
A purgatory feeling, such a bitter livin’ to grin


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